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At Adventures In Missions, we believe that every person has a unique call to serve others and spread love and hope to the world. Our blog is just one of the ways we’re sharing that message and encouraging others to join us on this mission.

Thank you for taking the time to visit our blog and for your support of Adventures In Missions. We look forward to connecting with you and continuing this journey together.

December 11, 2018
I had the opportunity to study the book of Jude with a sweet friend this morning. Sipping coffee at our regular spot in Starbucks, we dared to approach verses on condemnation and destruction and perversion of the Gospel. We discussed these topics with a sort of frustrated idealism and, eventually, felt guilty for holding the world to such a standard. For the past couple of hours, the verses I read have been chewing at me, forcing me to search my heart and the heart of the church. Jude 1:19 says “For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ”. Perhaps you read this verse and disregard it—it is too harsh, it d…
December 4, 2018
I’m home.  Last Wednesday, I arrived in Atlanta, GA for debrief after twenty-four hours of flying.  Last Friday, I drove to Monroe with my mom after a sleepless night and saying goodbye to the women who had become my family.   I’m home.  That’s what I keep telling people.  I’m home. But that’s not the whole truth–not anymore.  I used to think the word “home” was a word for where I lived.  A word for where my family was, a word for where my room and my bed waited for me at the end of a long day (or at the end of a long three months).  I used to think the word “home” could be defined simply by the people, the places, and the things that I grew up surrounded by.  Now I know that home is no longer just the house I live in for the next few…
December 4, 2018
I’m home.  Last Wednesday, I arrived in Atlanta, GA for debrief after twenty-four hours of flying.  Last Friday, I drove to Monroe with my mom after a sleepless night and saying goodbye to the women who had become my family.   I’m home.  That’s what I keep telling people.  I’m home. But that’s not the whole truth–not anymore.  I used to think the word “home” was a word for where I lived.  A word for where my family was, a word for where my room and my bed waited for me at the end of a long day (or at the end of a long three months).  I used to think the word “home” could be defined simply by the people, the places, and the things that I grew up surrounded by.  Now I know that home is no longer just the house I live in for the next few…
December 4, 2018
The semester has reached its end and I am home. While these past three months have fostered beautiful celebration and journey, they have stretched me in ways unthinkable. In this stretching, my heart has become quite aware of the utter darkness in this world but also of the glorious light that is The Kingdom. I have built friendships with women my age in juvenile detention centers, shared the Gospel in Thai government schools, established sisterhood with orphans in Cambodia, and taught English to Karen refugees on the Myanmar border. While, yes, each of these settings were not incredibly light, the settings and circumstances are not the darkness to which I previously referred. The darkness that pierces my heart is the same darkness that I see here in the United States. This darkness is n…
November 19, 2018
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, just, as adverb, is defined as “only; simply; and used to reduce the force of a statement and to suggest that it is not very important.”   I was listening to the audio book of Everyone Always by Bob Goff, earlier this month and in it he said something that really convicted me—he said that the Christian’s favorite word is just.   “Dear Heavenly Father I just come before you today…” “I just lift up my family right now…” “I just bring before you…” “If You will just bring a hedge of protection around…”   From that moment forward, I began to notice how many times I say the word just w…
November 18, 2018
I’ve been on the mission field for nearly three months now.  Sometimes it seems like a long time, but, in actuality, ninety days is nothing.  It’s a blink of an eye, a moment in time.  Despite the fleeting reality of three months, I have learned lessons that will last me a lifetime.  I have learned what it means to go into seasons of life with my hands wide open.  I have learned what it is to love deeply and to love well, even when it breaks my heart.  I have learned more about studying God’s Word and appreciating the tangible gift of life He’s given us in the form of the Bible.  I have learned what it looks like to follow His calling, even when I’m not sure of the outcome.  I have learned the power that the name of Jesus holds.  I have learned…
November 18, 2018
I’ve been on the mission field for nearly three months now.  Sometimes it seems like a long time, but, in actuality, ninety days is nothing.  It’s a blink of an eye, a moment in time.  Despite the fleeting reality of three months, I have learned lessons that will last me a lifetime.  I have learned what it means to go into seasons of life with my hands wide open.  I have learned what it is to love deeply and to love well, even when it breaks my heart.  I have learned more about studying God’s Word and appreciating the tangible gift of life He’s given us in the form of the Bible.  I have learned what it looks like to follow His calling, even when I’m not sure of the outcome.  I have learned the power that the name of Jesus holds.  I have learned…
November 17, 2018
      This season is coming to an end until I must enter into the ‘real’ world. It’s true that time waits for no man.      I will soon be amongst people who have known me for my entire life. The people who have seen me cry, laugh for joy, and all the pain of growing up. They saw the formation of the beginning of my life. The creation of my values, beliefs, and skills.       I will soon leave the people who have known me for the past 3 months. They have seen me triumph and fail, grow and recede, through humor and gloom. They have seen me grow in ways I did not think possible. They have seen me in a transition stage of my life.      As time grows short, it causes me to think. Was this time worth it? To spend more…
November 17, 2018
      This season is coming to an end until I must enter into the ‘real’ world. It’s true that time waits for no man.      I will soon be amongst people who have known me for my entire life. The people who have seen me cry, laugh for joy, and all the pain of growing up. They saw the formation of the beginning of my life. The creation of my values, beliefs, and skills.       I will soon leave the people who have known me for the past 3 months. They have seen me triumph and fail, grow and recede, through humor and gloom. They have seen me grow in ways I did not think possible. They have seen me in a transition stage of my life.      As time grows short, it causes me to think. Was this time worth it? To spend more…
November 16, 2018
Time after time again I’ve been reminded of Jesus’ crazy love for me and you. He’s shown it to me in the smallest moments and in the moments where my heart has been broken into a million pieces. He’s shown it to me in situations I don’t understand and in situations that I thrive in. I’ve seen that there is truly no limit to His love. Seeing children as young as six years old carrying their baby siblings for hours reminds me of the love of our Father. They often look exhausted and worn out, but they never complain. They love their little sibling so much that they would bear pain for them, that they would go until they can’t anymore, that they would hold them instead of play soccer with their friends. This is a pure example of Jesus’ love for us. He loves us so much that he bore the pain…

