Redefining Missions

Redefining Missions      The first week here in Jeffreys Bay was difficult. It was such a drastic change from Swaziland where we had no WiFi and no distractions; there was really nothing to do but spend time with the Lord and each other. Having that much free time was beneficial for so many reasons, but far from the reality of what I’ll go back home to, and what everyday life looks like for me.       Coming to Jeffreys Bay was like going home. It was so similar to home that all I  thought about the first week being here was,...

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Redefining Missions

Redefining Missions      The first week here in Jeffreys Bay was difficult. It was such a drastic change from Swaziland where we had no WiFi and no distractions; there was really nothing to do but spend time with the Lord and each other. Having that much free time was beneficial for so many reasons, but far from the reality of what I’ll go back home to, and what everyday life looks like for me.       Coming to Jeffreys Bay was like going home. It was so similar to home that all I  thought about the first week being here was,...

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The Epicenter of the Universe

  •Picture the epicenter of the universe standing behind you•   Friday night my leader Ruthann asked me to share something in front of the high schoolers at Victory Church. If any of you know me, you know that public speaking is a huge fear of mine. Despite taking a public speaking college course, and taking advantage of many opportunities to speak at my church, it still brings me immense anxiety and discomfort.     Something I try to live by is, embrace the uncomfortable, so I said yes.  I know that some of the discomfort is spiritual attack. I have a...

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The Epicenter of the Universe

  •Picture the epicenter of the universe standing behind you•   Friday night my leader Ruthann asked me to share something in front of the high schoolers at Victory Church. If any of you know me, you know that public speaking is a huge fear of mine. Despite taking a public speaking college course, and taking advantage of many opportunities to speak at my church, it still brings me immense anxiety and discomfort.     Something I try to live by is, embrace the uncomfortable, so I said yes.  I know that some of the discomfort is spiritual attack. I have a...

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Childlike Faith

Hey guys! I apologize that WiFi has been super spotty so I am a little behind on blogging! We are currently serving in Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa, but this blog is from our previous month in Swaziland. 🙂    There is a playground right behind where we are staying here in Swaziland. One of the blessings about staying by a carepoint is that there are almost always children laughing and running around outside. The playground is encompassed by brightly painted tires, and the kids love to run across them.    Yesterday I was playing with one of the younger children...

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Hold on to his voice

  Back in December I did a Sozo session in Redding, California at Bethel Church. Sozo is the Greek word for saved,healed,delivered. Sozo is an inner healing ministry. In the session we prayed into distortions I have about myself.  Being in recovery from an eating disorder, worthiness and self image are things I have battled with for a long time. In the Sozo session the Lord told me that “freedom is being fully present with the children in Africa”. This is a promise I clung to months before the trip when the enemy tried to convince me that I would be distracted-that I...

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