In the meantime

The last month of our time in Thailand has come to a drastic end. I am a bit beside myself, confused as I always am when chapters of my life end and change. Although I am deeply looking forward to being in the arms of my friends and family again, I am fighting to not forget all the doors, windows, and hallways God has opened up in the home of my heart these past months- in order so He could come dwell and live. While living in Phuket I had a hard time dealing with the urgency for justice. That if God is as faithful, as loving, and as just as I know Him to be why can’t He just fix every...

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Just a Mirage

Bangla walking street, a 0.2 mile long stretch of road filled with over a hundred bars. By day it’s just bars and some shopping, but at night is another story. At night it’s bright lights, loud music, sex show signs being shoved in your face, women in bars all wearing the same uniform, men everywhere, women in boxes, and a lot of lonely people. It’s a mirage. It’s alluring. And it’s fake. But I get it. I get why people come. It’s fun, anything goes, if you’re lonely women are all over you, and you’re pretty much accepted for anything. But do you...

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What A Beautiful Name

Over the course of this trip, I have come to realize my most important asset. This asset is not my intelligence, my wardrobe, or my wealth. This asset is my name. When my name is mentioned, what goes through people’s minds? When people hear the name Lauren Fox, what do they think? People I went to high school might think one thing, and my friends or family might think another. Some of them may laugh because of the foolish things I’ve done, and may refuse to take me seriously because of my past. Labels of “flirt” or “lazy” may pop into mind, all because of...

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What A Beautiful Name

Over the course of this trip, I have come to realize my most important asset. This asset is not my intelligence, my wardrobe, or my wealth. This asset is my name. When my name is mentioned, what goes through people’s minds? When people hear the name Lauren Fox, what do they think? People I went to high school might think one thing, and my friends or family might think another. Some of them may laugh because of the foolish things I’ve done, and may refuse to take me seriously because of my past. Labels of “flirt” or “lazy” may pop into mind, all because of...

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Light in the Darkness

 “Father, break my heart for what breaks yours.”       This is a prayer I have prayed many times over, but had never tangibly felt the Lord bring to fruition until our first night on Bangla Road in Phuket, Thailand.      I had heard statements such as; “This is a spiritually dark place”, “You will experience/see some very hard things”, “The enemy has many footholds here”, etc., but no words can truly describe the darkness that is Bangla Road, the Red Light District here in Thailand. It is a darkness that...

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I am not for sale

I am not for saleA batch of drugs can only be sold once. But when a woman is sold, she is sold over and over and over and over again which creates a never-ending source of money. Patong Beach, Thailand is a Red Light District. Both women and men from poor provinces all over Thailand come to Patong Beach for work. The fastest way to make profit here is by working in the bars and selling their bodies. This makes Patong Beach a hub for human trafficking since tourists who come for both sex and partying, can’t tell the difference between prostitution and trafficking. And because the Russian...

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