Childlike Faith

Hey guys! I apologize that WiFi has been super spotty so I am a little behind on blogging! We are currently serving in Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa, but this blog is from our previous month in Swaziland. 🙂 


There is a playground right behind where we are staying here in Swaziland. One of the blessings about staying by a carepoint is that there are almost always children laughing and running around outside. The playground is encompassed by brightly painted tires, and the kids love to run across them. 


Yesterday I was playing with one of the younger children when she noticed that the others were running on the tires. She started walking that way while tugging on my hand and pulling me along with her. As she stepped up and found her balance on the tire, she would not let go of my grip. She was very young and could not run across the tires by herself, she needed my help. For the next 15 minutes or so I held her hand to help her walk across the tires, ensuring that I would not let her fall. She slowly transitioned from walking on the tires to running more freely. Motherly instincts kicked in as I began to feel like I would rather her land on me than to let her fall on another tire or hit the ground.     I could see the joy on her face as she ran faster and faster across the tires, fully trusting that I would not let her stumble. This was just one of many sweet interactions with the children on the playground, but the Lord taught me something through this specific encounter.  


“Jesus called a little child to him and put the child among them. Then he said, ‘I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven. So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.’” 

Matthew 18:2-3


“But Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.’” 

Matthew 19: 14


Through this little girl the Lord showed me what it means to have a childlike faith, and he revealed his love to me in a deeper way. He showed me that so often in life I am running across tires, trying to remain steady without slipping. Despite the uncertainty of the road ahead, the Lord walks with me hand in hand. The little girl could run freely with the assurance that I wouldn’t let her fall, and Jesus wants us to take his hand and feel that same security.

Not only does he walk with us, he offers us smiles, love, and encouragement along the way. He will not let me fall, and I can trust that his strength is more than able to handle the wobbles and slips that I encounter. 





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