Two months in Guatemala!!!!

Hey family and friends! I know it’s been a while since my last blog post and I am sooo sorry. I’m going to try and fit the last three weeks in a single blog post, so this may look a bit longer than the others. It’s official! I’ve been in Guatemala for exactly two months, and Guatemala City for three weeks!!! The Lord has shown my team and I some beautiful stuff since we’ve shown up at YWAM. (YWAM stands for Youth With A Mission, look them up, they’re legit). These weeks have been packed with different missionary opportunities, a lot of new experiences and...

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Diving Under the Waves Into His Stillness

In the last week I challenged myself to sit down and actually write out my entire testimony. What I thought would be a simple 2 minute recap of the growth of my faith suddenly turned into an 8 page story filled with new revelations and explanations as to why I am the way that I am today. A particularly hard time in my life was brought back to surface (a time I had been pushing out of my mind in hopes of forgetting and a part of my story that prevented me from wanting to tell His story in my life) and God revealed my lack of obedience in Him by my withholding of forgiveness. By recapping details...

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Little Hands Folded

I have finally made it to Guatemala City for my last two months of ministry! My first month in Chichicastenango was a wild ride! I fell in love with that beautiful city! Being able to see the smiling faces of the children I taught english too every single day made sleeping on the floor, getting bitten by sand flees,and having a freezing shower worth it! My time there can not be summed up in words! Reflecting on everything I saw, heard and did. I know God is moving through that city. Hearing children praying with their little hands folded and eyes shut, knowing this is probably the first time...

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“Growing where you’re planted”

  Wow it’s been a while since I’ve posted! Sorry friends and family! These last two weeks have been challenging and rewarding. We’ve had some changes to our team and officially have our new team leader which is exciting! On the morning of Tuesday the 13th, our team accidentally went to the wrong class and tried teaching English to a Communications class, which was hysterical, they know some verbs in English that’s for sure! In the afternoon our lovely host had a little fiesta down the street for the local kids. We had a piñata, blasted Hillsong Español,...

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