I took my first cold bucket shower on June 3, 2016. It was actually quite nice, except I felt clean for about two seconds. Naturally. Georgia is hot, and tents are not air conditioned. And neither are port-a-potties. Things are sweaty and messy. It’s not pretty.
As I walked into the AIM headquarters Friday, my soul was carrying weights that I did not allow myself to realize. They asked us to release them. They asked us to free our hands of anything that was not of the Lord so He could fill our Hands.
I have encountered the Holy Spirit many times in my life. I asked Him to speak to me and move in me, and it was like a splash of His love came upon me. It was beautiful and wonderful, but I felt clean for about two seconds. Not long after, I felt sweaty and messy and dirty again. It was my own fault. I had not surrendered everything. I had not allowed him to soak into the corners of my soul that I wanted to keep hidden.
I won’t ever have to feel the burden of not being covered by the Holy Spirit anymore because I know it’s nothing i have done to earn. I’ve only just asked and received.
I can’t stress this enough: lay down the barriers surrounding your heart and be free!!! Today I am drowning in the river of His love. Don’t just splash yourself. Be immersed in forgiveness and joy.
The corners of my heart that were dusty and covered and ugly have become exposed. The secrets that I hid in the dark are now in the Light. And I am free.
Before i left for training camp, I knew I wanted to go to india because my heart was broken for the injustices and the amount of unreached people, and the Lord told me to go. Now I want to go because I want everyone to have what I have: complete freedom in the creator of the world. Endless joy that surpasses understanding. Peace. HOPE.
I had no clue how much the Father just wants to spend time with His beloved children. I was not aware that I could ask the Lord to speak and He would. Did you know that? I encourage you and I beg you, go sit in the presence of the Lord and invite Him in like never before. Free yourself of all the things you do not have to carry!!! Find out what’s holding you back, really search the depths of your heart, and surrender them.
The Holy Spirit has become my friend. And I am free.
I have asked the Lord earnestly this week to reveal his heart for me and his heart for India. He has and will continue to do so. I am growing in ways I didn’t know were possible. I have loved the Lord for most of my life, but as I was sobbing on the floor two nights ago, a realization came over me. “This is so much bigger than I thought it was.” The Spirit is real, living, breathing, active, and DESPERATE FOR YOU.
“Seriousness isn’t a fruit of the spirit–Joy is.” HAVE FUN WITH YOUR FATHER.
Emma Cary