It’s been twelve days here in India, and I just now decided I am in love. I am in love with the people. I am in love with my team. I am in love with the One who loves me more than I can imagine.
I have so many fun stories to tell, but the Lord wants me to share one about feet. That’s right. FEET.
I’ve never been a huge fan of my feet. I think my toes are awkward and stubby. My toenails are all different sizes. Oh and we can’t forget about how weird that pinky toe of mine is with its tiny bit of a nail.
Let’s face it. I’m never gonna be a foot model.
I was warned about breaking in my chacos. I was also given some tips on how to avoid the blisters. I had no idea what I was in for.
By day two, I had blisters. It was so distracting for awhile along with not feeling too well. In the distraction though, the Lord simply kept reminding me of Isaiah 52:7…
“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.””
It was just a very sweet reminder that He sees the things I see, but He still calls my feet beautiful. He knows my heart and sees my feet suffering for His name!
The next day, we went to Jubilee Home to hangout with the girls there. Our team leaders painted nails for some of the sweet girls. In return they let the girls paint their nails. I saw this and wanted to join in the fun!
As my own toes were being painted, the Lord reminded me of Isaiah 52:7 again. I even kinda laughed.
It was such a sweet moment. It brought so much joy. I am praying for many more of these sweet moments.