How you dress…

How you dress… it varies from culture to culture, from climate to climate and from people to people. How you dress is a statement to the world of who you are. How you dress is a representation of who you are. In a world of comparison where you might feel vulnerable and insecure, God steps j . Out of His abundant love and care he dresses ya in strength and dignity. He calls us to put on the belt of truth, the Breast plate of righteousness, putting on the readiness given by the Gospel of peace, to put on the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and having the sword of the word. He has called us to adorn ourselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self control and with good works. What we out in makes a statement to everyone around us. Imagine the statement God made when he clothed us with strength and dignity, imagine the statement he is making when he clothes us with power from on high. He clothes us in dignity because he sees us as washed clean and pure. There is a sense of value in dignity. The value of something depends on how much you are willing to pay for it. Christ paid everything for us on the cross. Because our value is so high, the dignity we are clothed in cannot be taken off. He clothes us in strength not because of the strength within ourselves but the weakness he shows his strength through. It is his strength that we put in, his strength we rely on. We put on the belt of truth because when you put on truth you can’t keep wearing lies. You have to take off the lies of this world and the lies of the enemy and embrace the truth of who you are in the Lord. We put on the breastplate of righteousness because the breastplate protects your heart. God guards our hearts and makes us righteous because of the blood he shed for us. We put on shoes with readiness to share the gospel so the good news of Jesus can be spread and we can walk in the purpose of our lives. We put on the shield of faith to protect us from the flaming darts of he enemy . To be safe in God. I put on the helmet of salvation to always walk in the amazing grace God lavished upon me on the cross that I’m saved in. He wraps me in a love that never fades and a hope that never sways.
I cannot our in Christ, I cannot dress for God and still look like the world. When I am clothed in strength and dignity I cannot also wear weakness and shame. When I am clothed in truth I cannot wear insecurity and doubt. When I am clothed by God the clothes of this world don’t fit anymore.

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