
Our Global Connection

We’ve been in Nepal for almost two weeks now and over the course of these past few weeks I’ve had some pretty crazy interactions with the people living here.


Everything from meeting an ex-drug addict/flight attendant from Washington who is now an evangelistic Jesus freak, to reuniting with my past ministry host who is trekking with my field supporter from my last two trips, to meeting a friend of a friend of a friend who runs a restaurant but who is really here to spread the love of Jesus. That’s one of the best things about being a christian, you get to be a part of the coolest community in the world.


I first experienced this while I was serving with YoungLife back home. You get to grow as a community and love each other as a family. Wherever you go with YoungLife you’re bound to encounter someone who shares a mutual friend, which leads to talking for hours about the ministry and about how amazing God is.


Here I’m experiencing the same thing, just on a global scale! God has been showing me just how tiny this planet is. He’s used people from the other side of the world to give me words of encouragement. He’s stirring up friendships which will last a lifetime. He’s been bringing in ministry contacts and opening up doors for me to return to the country that captivated my heart. He’s inviting me in to be a part of the fastest growing church in the world right here in Nepal! He’s showing me that he’s bigger than races, languages and borders.


Galatians 3:26-28 says “for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”


We are the church of Christ, we are one big family. There is no longer American and Nepali, Indian and Australian, Germany and Filipino. There is only Christian.


Last night I got to experience this, all the partners and volunteers came to one of the ministry houses for an evening meeting. We ate together, worshipped together, laughed together, and spoke truth into one other’s lives. We all share the same mission. We all have the same purpose; to glorify God by making his name famous. We are one big family who all love Jesus and who are all connected by his love. That’s our global connection.

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