
She is His

She is so beautiful and so very loved and she doesn’t even know it.
She has the prettiest smile but the men that come in to see her do not know that.
She is a mother but those who know her just for her job do not know that.
She matters and her future is important and she doesn’t know that.
As we spoke to Surita, a prostitute in a cabin bar, all I wanted to do is tell her over and over again how God’s sees her so differently than all these men. That God had better plans for her than this. I wanted to scoop her up and take her and her sweet baby out of that dark place.
If I want her to come to see who God is, how much more does God want that? God sees her. God says she’s in his hands. All I can do is find peace in that and that and pray that one day she will too.

Thank you God for giving us the wonderful opportunity speak about you to Surita. 

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