She is His

She is so beautiful and so very loved and she doesn’t even know it. She has the prettiest smile but the men that come in to see her do not know that. She is a mother but those who know her just for her job do not know that. She matters and her future is important and she doesn’t know that. As we spoke to Surita, a prostitute in a cabin bar, all I wanted to do is tell her over and over again how God’s sees her so differently than all these men. That God had better plans for her than this. I wanted to scoop her up and take her and her sweet baby out of that dark place.If I want...

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A Home for Hope

“But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:21-23 This home dances with the melody of sewing needles bending in and out of dyed fabrics, scissors laid across patterned threads snipping in their proportioned measure. There are hands forming and shaping these articles into something beautiful, memoirs of their redeemed significance. From dust and ashes women of beauty rise, sewing clothing to cover a body that once only knew...

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Surrounded by Hills and The Holy Spirit

Nepal is a whole other world. We’ve only been here a week and already I’ve experienced such highs and lows. As we arrived I couldn’t contain my excitement to be in Nepal and my anticipation for all that God will do here. I feel truly truly blessed to have been given the opportunity to travel half way around the world to serve the Nepali people. The blessings have continued to flow as I only experienced jet lag for less than a day and I haven’t felt the slightest bit sick *knock on wood*. I may be dirty and sticky from the humidity but I’m surrounded by an amazing...

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Surrounded by Hills and The Holy Spirit

Nepal is a whole other world. We’ve only been here a week and already I’ve experienced such highs and lows. As we arrived I couldn’t contain my excitement to be in Nepal and my anticipation for all that God will do here. I feel truly truly blessed to have been given the opportunity to travel half way around the world to serve the Nepali people. The blessings have continued to flow as I only experienced jet lag for less than a day and I haven’t felt the slightest bit sick *knock on wood*. I may be dirty and sticky from the humidity but I’m surrounded by an amazing...

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Trusting in His Plan

Proverbs 3:5-6  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight.” All my life I have heard this verse and fully believed that I was trusting in the Lord with all my heart. Growing up, I believed that I was fearless and that was the same thing as trusting the Lord. Until now, I did not understand what trusting in the Lord looked like. The Lord has revealed to me that trusting in him is giving your whole life and being to him. Saying you trust in the Lord and actually trusting...

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Contentment in Christ!

Wherever you are, be all there. – Jim Elliot My trip to Nepal began with fear and discontentment threatening to take over my heart and mind. My focus was on the friends, family and comfort I left back at home as well as the previous trip I had taken to Zambia. I began to compare the two trips to each other and I started to long to be back in Zambia instead of on my way to Kathmandu. After a couple days of being in country and wallowing in my self pity I decided it was time for me to sit down and pray to the Lord for a change of heart. The answer to my prayer didn’t take very long...

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