
Take a Deep Breath In

Take a deep breath in, now let it out. Some mornings after breakfast before our daily ministry a few girls and I have a stretch session. We often repeat those words as we do various stretches. 

Take a deep breath in, now let it out. 
Since my plane landed in Nicaragua almost two months ago, I started doing that. In the moments of newness,  after conversations with people, in the excitement, after a long day, when I’m exhausted, when I’m frustrated, after worship, when I’m happy, and out of relief, I breathe in the moment and let it sink in. I take a moment before another word leaves my mouth, before I take the next step. No matter how many times I do this pausing,  before I know it, that day becomes a memory and tomorrow has already come. The time is flying, and I haven’t the slightest idea where it has gone. I only have 34 more days until I’m standing in the airport and headed towards my eager family. I haven’t written in a blog in almost a month because I have lost track of the time. Didn’t I just land in Nicaragua yesterday? Didn’t I just write a blog two days ago? 
Wow. On a positive note, I have made sure I was living in the moment. All I can do is smile at that. With the time flying by, it reminds me to be intentional with everything! With my words, with my new friends, with being vulnerable, and living in the moment. Everything you are waiting for will be here before you know it. Take a deep breath in where you are now, and let it out. Sit in your stretch a few seconds longer and breathe. 
With every word leaving your mouth, make sure you really mean it. When every person smiles at you, smile back. When you’re frustrated at the small things, ask your self will I be frustrated about this in twenty years? Or am I going to be frustrated all day that I stubbed my toe on that door over there. Just letting another day fly by huh? Shall we live each day to the fullest? I vote yes!
In the month that I haven’t written anything, I can tell you that I have had my ups and downs. I’ve “stubbed my toes”, I’ve laughed uncontrollably, I’ve killed tarantulas, I have made inside jokes with 8 year olds (the children call me Maia la Papyia), and I’ve ate more rice than the average American 18 year old. I’m breathing it all in before it’s all gone. Quite frankly, I look forward to the rice. ??
 I’m thanking Jesus for every smile, every sunset, my team, for His creation, for flavor, smell,  and for allowing me to live here for 3 months! Let’s thank Jesus for these moments and breathe it all in.
Today was another day that left me feeling refreshed and breathing it all in. On a prayer walk we met an elderly woman who came to her gate and chatted with us. She welcomed us in with many hugs and  a few prayer request. She had the kindest eyes and a happy smile. In that small moment we gathered and prayed. She thanked us and we were on our way. I smiled and left exhaling out. Yes, it was just a small moment, but it meant so much. I am thanking Jesus for her. ?
The last thing I want to share with you is a moment I had last night. I was walking back to our house and glanced up at the stars. It was such a steliferous night that I stopped in awe. A few minutes passed and I eventually laid down on the sidewalk. 40 minutes later a few girls sat with me. A shooting star, a few giggles, a deep breath in later. It was time to go inside.  Just another moment that had passed and is a memory. It’s a good one

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