
Reflections for Life

Being someone who was adopted from South America, I grew up knowing the needs of people around me and the very things that made living day to day a constant struggle. However, now that I have had the opportunity to live in the United States for eleven years now, the need of people in South America was something I hadn’t thought of often after coming to live in New Mexico. But that’s just it isn’t it? I’d forgotten the needs of other people and was living a comfortable and luxurious life. Truth is, I loved my life and the way I was living but did not want to step out of my comfort zone or be taken to a place or to be placed in a situation where I felt uncomfortable. Looking back, I know that the way I felt about this was an issue, an issue that needed to change. Throughout this month I saw God working in my heart and having me reflect on things that I needed to improve or change. You see, when did I become “too good” or when did my needs excel the needs of those living in poverty without the hope of Christ? Throughout this month God has blessed me in the midst of not having much of a place to call a home or having the facilities I grew accustomed to. God wanted me to reach the people of Chichicastenango and in order to do that, I had to live like a person from Chichicastenango. Now, I have come back to the Uniited States with a new sense of gratitude and thankfulness for all that God has showed me and the things He has had me reflect on. 

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