This month has been a drastic leap towards faith + trusting Abba’s plan for my life. Each day is a fast in itself, I fast from the daily comforts of home, friends, food, + the security of the norm.
In that God has grown me, he tore down my flesh + built me back up into a woman who has learned to throw her heart into what he asks of her.
Me + and my team spend our days in the schools teaching the children the love of Jesus. We learn from them just as much as we teach. The children have shown so much resilience + joy, as they take on new tasks and are eager to welcome us.
I love to spend our ministry time out on the streets, in the square, praying for those whose hearts are open + thirsty for Jesus. Despite the language barriers, the people feel the joy + light that the Sprit pours through us.
I have learned to trust the Holy Spirit, listen to his words, + follow his instructions. And in that I have flourished. I’ve seen miracles, I’ve fought demons, + I’ve experienced the life God has set for me. A life that is full of light, peace in His word, + joy in the promise of redemption.