
He Equips the Called

The Lord has shown me these past few weeks in Peru that He will always equip me for what He has called me to. Coming on this trip I had no idea what type of ministry we would be doing and needless to say preaching was the last thing I thought.

For those of you who know me I am very quiet and not at all an extrovert. I’m not one to get up and talk to a room full of people, so when I found out that was exactly what I’d be doing on this trip I began to doubt. I kept asking the Lord, “Are you sure this is what you’re calling me to?” And His answer was always the same, “Trust Me“. You would think those words would be comforting, but for me those words were nerve wracking. I wanted a plan of action or steps on how He was going to help me, but “Trust Me” was all I got.

Little did I know that was all I needed to hear.

God has been pushing me out of my comfort zone to show me how I can depend on Him. He used me to preach when He could’ve chosen anyone. I am truly thankful for the Lord and Him knowing what I need.

One morning as I was sitting on the roof of our house, starring at the beautiful mountains a poem started pouring out of me. It was as if God was trying to show me something. The poem reads,

I wanted the jungle, you gave me the mountains 

I wanted no communication, you knew I needed it 

I wanted crazy adventure, you gave me peace and rest 

I wanted to feel far from home, you put me into a place that felt like home.

God knows what we need and I’m truly thankful for that. He taught me that I can depend on Him and that He will always equip me for His calling.

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