God Talks, We Just Need To Listen

Yesterday during team time we were handed a note card with a number on it. Each person was assigned a number but we didn’t know who corresponded with the numbers. We were told to pray over the card and write what we had for the person, so we had to trust God to tell us what to write.

I was handed a purple card with the number nine. I immediately thought of my dad since he passed away on August 9th. However, I didn’t want to write about the lose of a father because not many people can relate.

But I kept feeling a tug. Finally, I wrote about how even if we feel without an earthly Father, it is okay because our Heavenly Father will never leave us. I wrote a few more comments and included 2 Timothy 2:13 which says, “If we are faithless, He remains faithful for He cannot disown Himself.” I felt that verse exemplified how God is never ever going to leave His precious children. People leave and pass on, but God never does.

When it came time to pass the cards to who they belonged to, I waited in hopes that the card would be given to another girl on our squad who lost her earthly father. Numbers one through eight had been called and her name was not mentioned. Number nine came and her name matched up with it!! The odds were not in favor of that happening, and that was no coincidence; that was God’s fine work.

She realized the card related so well and she was so thankful. Only God could do something that amazing. The tug I felt at first, was God telling me what to write. God does talk, we just have to listen.

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Safe in the DR!


Safe in the DR!