The Other Side of the Dirt Road

I was in shock— Not about what I saw about I saw, but about how I felt about it.   What I saw was horrific. I was walking in the city down a dirt road with a railroad track on one side and a collection of ____ on the other side. I guess they function as homes so they could be called that. But these are pathetic. They seem to be a collection of sticks, tarps, and buckets arranged in the rough form of a tent. Most Americans wouldn’t let their dog stay in a structure like this in their backyard. In fact, if you woke up and found one of these in your backyard, I imagine you...

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The Wedding

The Wedding A ravishing bride with her flower crownscarlett stained no more but flawless white her gown.Walking past the battles she’s fought,but “Am I enough” was her only thought. All the while,the groom’s eyes were lockedand His heart has stopped.When His fiery eyes had seen His doveHe saw her fully, He understood her fullybecause she was bought with the price of love. When the bride and the groom were face to faceHe saw the fear of unworthiness on her face.He lifted her chin, grazing her lace“Oh beloved” He whispered,“Because of me, you are...

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The Wedding

The Wedding A ravishing bride with her flower crownscarlett stained no more but flawless white her gown.Walking past the battles she’s fought,but “Am I enough” was her only thought. All the while,the groom’s eyes were lockedand His heart has stopped.When His fiery eyes had seen His doveHe saw her fully, He understood her fullybecause she was bought with the price of love. When the bride and the groom were face to faceHe saw the fear of unworthiness on her face.He lifted her chin, grazing her lace“Oh beloved” He whispered,“Because of me, you are...

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All for the One

So this blog is about a little story where I saw Jesus in the crowd. It was our third day in India and our host mom, Mary, took all the girls into town to go shopping for Indian clothes. Once we were all done, she took us to Dunkin’ Donuts. Yes, you heard right. There is a Dunkin’ in the heart of Bangalore. Most of the girls were having coffee withdrawls but since I don’t religiously drink it, I just decided to sit outside with one of my teammates, Megan. We were just talking about how we were super excited to plunge into ministry the next day. We have been so poured into...

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A Slave to Hope

Today has been particularly difficult for me. We had an off day yesterday from ministry, so I took the opportunity to check in on my friends from back home. I use to not really care whether or not people around me were having problems, but in light of the truth in the Gospel, that is no longer an option. Consequently, it’s hard to be away from friends when they are doing well, but it’s even worse when they are suffering immensely. When I encountered grace for all that it’s worth, my heart was softened to those around me, and I began to want to “rejoice with those who...

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Visas, Mispellings, and Security Lines! Oh my!

Friends, family, strangers… WE MADE IT! WE’RE IN INDIA! The journey is just beginning here, but I think it is safe to say that we began our adventure before we even stepped foot in Bangalore.   Our travel day madness began in the Atlanta airport when we realized we had left our printed visas at the AIM camp an hour and a half away. The quest for a printer in the airport (which you would think would be an easy feat) was to no avail. Luckily, a friend of a friend of someone who works for AIM said they could print the visas at their home in Atlanta and drive them to the...

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