

I had no clue what the Lord had in store. I had no clue what the ministry would entail. I had no clue the amount of relationships that would be built. I had no clue the hardships, the laughter, the memories, and the growth that would occur on this trip. The expectations I had were ripped away and replaced by something even better.

I am beyond thankful for this trip. We saw prayers answered, pastors equipped, children in poverty smile, demons being cast out, fears revealed and covered by the peace of Jesus, and prophecy fulfilled. We saw a beautiful child of our ministry host born, a women’s center redecorated, and most importantly we saw the love of Christ being poured 
into the Nepalese people.

Because of the power of Christ all of this was done. Because of our supporters this was possible. Because of the obedience of our team and the supporters, his word was spread through Nepal.

I want to thank everyone again who supported this trip in any way. Whether through
prayer, finances, or words of encouragement; it was necessary for this trip to happen. Please continue to pray for the country of Nepal for the word of God to spread like wildfire.

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