
Letting Go

How quickly the last 3 weeks have flown by. It is hard to believe that my team and I arrived in Livingstone exactly 21 days ago! This past week our ministry was specifically focused on discipleship and evangelism in the surrounding community of Livingstone. We went out in groups of 2 or 3 and went out into the city meeting new people and talking to them about the Gospel, or meeting with people we had already met and continuing to grow those relationships. On Wednesday one of my squadmates and I met with a man from a market in downtown Livingstone named John. After we talked to John for a few minutes and informed him that we were in Livingstone for missions, he told us that he too was a Christian. We talked for an hour discipling each other and discussing what true Christianity is and how the truth of the Gospel has been so tainted and misconstrued in both Zambia and America. It was truly encouraging to just sit down and speak with a man of God that not only said he was a Christian, but actively studied scripture and lived out his life according to what it says. On Thursday and Friday our team combined with the other Passport team in Zambia and joined in their daily soccer ministry. It was a blast playing with and loving on the kids that had such a joy for football (soccer for the Americans). On Friday night a few of us traveled back to Victoria Falls and watched the lunar eclipse from the bridge between Zambia and Zimbabwe. It was truly amazing to see God’s creation through the stars and the eclipse in the dark. On Saturday we went out into the community and said our difficult goodbyes to the people we had built relationships with the last few weeks. That night our team spent the evening with our hosts grilling, remembering moments throughout the month, and encouraging each other. It has been an amazing blessing to have hosts who not only opened their home to us, but were actively involved with us through ministry and took the time to build relationships with each and every one of us and truly showed that they cared for every member of our team.

A common phrase that is used today is the phrase “Let go and let God.” I have found this phrase especially applicable to this past week. I am a very independent and self-sufficient person and I like to have control in most environments. This week God has been teaching me that sometimes I can’t have control and I need to surrender to what He has planned. Whether that looks like: surrendering to a different type of ministry than I had been planning on doing, surrendering to my teammates about decisions even though I think my idea is beter, or surrendering my control and understanding that I don’t need to know every little detail about the plans for the day. So this week has been “Let go and let God,” but it has also been “Let go and let ” where the blank could be anything or anyone that God has called me to surrender to. The beautiful thing is, that when we surrender everything to God, it takes away the obstacle of our own human flesh and allows for God to work completely and wholly through us for His glory.

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported and prayed for my team and me this entire month! You have all truly been a blessing and it is evident that God continues to answer prayer. I would ask that you would continue to pray for us as we travel back to Atlanta in the next few days. We flew out of Livingstone earlier this afternoon and are spending the night in Johannesburg. Tomorrow evening we will fly to Paris and then connect to Atlanta from there. Please pray that God will give us safety, energy, and patience over the next couple of days as we travel. We will be arriving in Atlanta Tuesday afternoon and will have 1 day of debriefing before we all head home on Thursday. Please pray that we will have finish this month with endurance. Thank you!

Soli Deo Gloria

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