
Imagine staring into the face of Jesus

I went into this trip with no expectactions of what we as a team will do but with a great yet simple expectation that God will do so much for us and the people of Thailand. God’s presence and voice is something that has been more uncomfortable and unknown to me. But from the start of training camp I have had a wonderful vision of God physically walking alongside each and every one of the teams. Reacently, when we pray I visualize him looking at us. 

One day during training camp we learned about different styles people use to connect with God’s presence. On the info sheet about these styles the experimental style said: “imagine yourself staring into the face of a Jesus”. That line was so much less uncomfortable for me after only two days of getting close to his presence and voice. 

Our scheduled mission in Thailand has not started yet, but this team is so eager and excited to do it ALLL- we are like kids in a candy store…more literally we are 10 girls 18-21 with high energy and eagerness to give love and recieve God. 

Ill end this blog with a verse in Jeremiah. Along with the Gospels, I chose this book at random to read. 

Jeremiah 1:10: To pluck up and to break down, to destroy and overthrow, to build up and plant. 


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