
Comfortable: A Perverted Christianity

I had the opportunity to study the book of Jude with a sweet friend this morning. Sipping coffee at our regular spot in Starbucks, we dared to approach verses on condemnation and destruction and perversion of the Gospel.

We discussed these topics with a sort of frustrated idealism and, eventually, felt guilty for holding the world to such a standard.

For the past couple of hours, the verses I read have been chewing at me, forcing me to search my heart and the heart of the church.

Jude 1:19 says “For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ”.

Perhaps you read this verse and disregard it—it is too harsh, it does not apply to you, you are not a false teacher, and you certainly do not pervert the Gospel.

In Mark 16:15, Jesus specifically commands His disciples, “Go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel to the whole creation”. This is the Great Commission, Jesus’ command to His disciples.

If we simply sit pretty and quiet in our homes, classes, or workplaces, we are denying Jesus Christ, perverting His Gospel and His commands into something so casual, something that caters to our schedules and our families.

The Gospel is not comfortable. The Gospel does not leave you quiet.

The Gospel enables and equips. The Gospel revives and burns.

So let’s stop convincing ourselves otherwise.

Let’s be loud about the Gospel.

Let’s go into the the world.

Let’s tell someone.

Let’s do something!

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