The Midway Slump?

     It’s been about two weeks since I last posted (that’s on me, more on that later) and my lovely mother asked for an update since people have been asking. Thank you all for that interest. I enjoy writing these because it helps me process what happens on a day to day basis and creates a record at the same time. I didn’t know if anyone was reading them at all until my Mother made that comment so, again, thank you for you taking interest in my experiences and reading these few silly paragraphs that I manage to cobble together in-between times.

      I’m starting to settle in here. Had about 2 weeks of ministry. The general outline for the week are Tuesdays and Thursdays at The Little Farm, Wednesdays and Fridays working at the farm here at the Bethany Children’s home, Saturdays alternate between doing a program for Project Justice(sex trafficking prevention and rescue) in a drug village and doing ATL(Ask the Lord) ministry, Sundays are church and sports ministry in the evening, and finally, Mondays are off days.
     There is a lot of hard manual labor which was/is intense from what I was used to at home. By the end of the first week, my pain was at a 5/10. It hurt to breathe. That was fun. Some rest during the weekend brought it down to a 1/10. 2nd week, I made some changes, pain is now 3/10. Doing much better now.
     I got to go to a homeschool co-op this week with my host Heidi and her kids. That was awesome. I learned about Chinese writing as well as helped the kids. There were a lot more people homeschooling then I originally thought. It was so interesting to see both the Thai kids and the “International” kids learn together, play games together, and create Chinese lanterns together, sometimes without even knowing what the other person is saying.
     At the little farm, we chopped wood, weeded and had more of a chill day after lunch. Boom-boom (one of Heidi’s kids) showed a few of us how to fish which actually was a bit intense. I also got the chance to milk a goat. Even though I’ve lived on a hobby farm most of my life I had never milked anything before so I jumped at the chance. The sensation was not what I expected but I managed to get a few good twists and squeezes in.
     For Ask The Lord ministry day, after much prayer by all the team for direction, we split into 2 groups. One to go into town, one to stay at the children’s home. I was chosen to go into town with Summer, Jenna, and Christina. Summer had gotten a picture of a Sung-tow and smiling women and felt we should search them out. She found them within 10 seconds of each other. We got out to “wonder” and found Destiny’s coffee shop. It’s a ministry that concentrates on getting women out of the sex trade. We ministered/talked to a woman there that the others felt they needed to pour into. We drifted a bit after that until the second half of the team came into town for supper at the night market.

     The team as a whole as been doing well. All of them recognize that the farm work is tolling on them and that rest is a good thing. Almost all of them have voiced it almost feels like the end but it’s actually the middle of this trip.
     I have felt this as well. Maybe it’s a change in the environment? Maybe it’s the people? Maybe it’s because my clothes are getting crunchier every day? None of us really know at this point. We are continuing on full strength though (as humanly possible). None of them are complaining and shoving their want to be home in anybody’s faces. All of us are wishing for certain things like certain clothes, foods, or family members, but none of it stems from an overwhelming desire to give up and go home. Choosing to be content where we are has been a constant source of encouragement from everyone. It’s been awesome.

     I have been feeling more tired and less motivated to get up early and do the things that keep me in less pain and mentally sane. Bible time, core exercises, and prayer are the things I need to do each morning. I wake up at 6 am most ministry days to get it all done. When I don’t do one of these things, I’m either not in a good spot mentally or physically those days. But because of different activities, the team has been getting back later and later. It’s been more of a temptation to sleep and not care about it then to take time daily with my LORD. I heard once at Bible Blast that Bible time started as a drudgery, then a discipline, and finally a delight. I would say I’m halfway between drudgery and discipline. I do enjoy my Bible time, but it is not a delight quite yet.
     Another thing I’m having trouble remembering is that this is a marathon and not a sprint of a trip. I keep thinking about the next thing and not staying in the present moment. What is the team going to do in Chaing Mai? What are the things I need to do when I get home? What present should I buy for my family for Christmas?

     Staying in the present allows me to realize to take care of myself, build relationships with my team and host, and catching what God has for me in the present moment. This requires me to be intentional with my off time i.e., not staying on wifi during most of my time, being lazy and not doing my core exercises so I don’t have pain, going to hang out with a team member intentionally each day, and taking time in prayer in the morning so I have the right mindset for the day.

     So I will attempt to carry what I learned in Cambodia to fruition in Thailand. Being intentional with my time and energy to make the most this trip. For the glory of God and his kingdom first and foremost, secondarily me. 

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