Charge on Warriors of Christ!

Living in the states, it becomes too easy to forget about the demonic presence that is prevalent everyday of our lives. We give the enemy too much reign and way too much credit. Our hectic lives in America allows us to stay distracted and focused on everything but the spiritual realm. This gives the enemy the ability to bring chaos and destruction. 
In eSwatini, it is not so easy to ignore the demonic presence. On Thursday, my team and I visited a few homesteads. The whole day I had an uneasy feeling and with each visit, I kept asking God if the demonic presence were the reason for my unsettled spirit, and I was ready to unleash the Spirit of Lord. But He kept telling me not yet, not yet, until we reached the homestead of Sarafina and her granddaughter May. 
Just Sarafina and her granddaughter live on this large piece of land. At one point in her past, she was renting out some of the rooms in her homestead. However, she entered into a season in which she had no customers, and was having trouble providing for her family. As we continued talking to her, it was revealed that she felt that there were evil spirits residing on her property. That was when God finally told me yes. I was expecting God to tell me to lay hands on her and pray over her in tongues, one of my spiritual gifts. He, however, did something new, something different, something I had never experienced before in my life. He showed me a vision of His angels battling on behalf of Sarafina and her granddaughter. I felt a peace in my spirit again. 

These are the times that we are to remain vigilant and to remember as Paul said in Ephesians 6:12 that “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Just because we cannot see these evil spirits, does not mean that they are not present. We need to be like Sarafina and be aware of when a spirit that is not of God has entered into our dwelling places. The enemy only has freedom because we give it to him. But no more, it is time for us to pay heed to the Holy Spirit who is living inside of us and join the angels in the fight against the powers of evil. 
Charge on Warriors of Christ!
Alexa Hayes

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