
Update From Nicaragua

“I knew who I was this morning, but I’ve changed a few times since then.” -Alice in Wonderland

If any one knows me well I’m sure you’re already thinking, “Of course she started her first blog off with Alice in Wonderland! ??” Yes, yes I did.  (:

 I have often heard the phrase “change is right outside of your comfort zone.” In the first quote Alice states she’s changed a few times.. honestly she was in Wonderland and had gone mad. I’m not saying I have gone mad here. Of course we’re all mad aren’t we? (:  Any who, in the last two weeks I have experienced so many things outside of my comfort zone, that I have changed a few times since day 1.

Traveling by myself, airports, planes, leaving the country, Cordoba, a different language,  pellywein, lizards roaming my walls, mosquito netting, poisonous caterpillars, horses crossing the streets like squirrels, and plenty of strangers (Who are now my wonderful friends), was a lot of new and firsts for me. So I’m sure you can understand that I’ve stepped outside of my comfort zone..  which created some change in my life. Not only in that aspect but Jesus has revealed alot of new things to me too!  (Although the lizards, pellywein, and the netting don’t really bother me.)  Did I also mention I had to go to a clinic in Nicaragua? (Don’t worry, I’m healed from the inflammation in my esophagus.) ?? Thanks for all of the prayers back home. ?? We also have to be very flexible here! There’s never a set plan for each day. You might be working on a farm, going on a prayer walk in a nearby town, or working at the CICRIN school! (CICRIN is where we are staying. It’s a home and school for some children, and some children it’s just their school!)

So yes, there was a lot of new things that were happening, but Jesus showed me so much in the midst of the chaos. (It sure was alot at once and it wasn’t always easy.) Here at CICRIN, the staff, my team, the children, and of course, Jesus, have opened my eyes in so many ways. This place brings me so much hope. When you put your faith and trust in Christ, He really does wonders. CICRIN wasn’t always in the best shape. When it first opened there wasn’t showers, running water, buildings on the property, the kitchen flooded often, and countless other things. Through trusting Christ all of those things have been provided over the years! We are so blessed here. Our team has its own house, we have bunk beds, showers, and FANS!! It’s so inspiring. It’s been a long and hard process for CICRIN over the past 26 years… but Jesus is SO faithful. I’m so blessed to come into CICRIN now and witness how His hand has provided for the children and staff here. He is so moving here! Did I mention the people at CICRIN and the community around us are so welcoming!? They really are. ??

This place is very different from home. SO different, but one thing that isn’t, is Jesus and His love. ? Seeing all of this first hand is such a beautiful thing. Especially at CICRIN.

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Update From Nicaragua

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Update From Nicaragua

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