Intentionally Setting Apart

How do you get closer to your significant other( yes, this can be your dog!) :

You spend intentional, set apart time with them!

But it’s also not a checklist deal. I doubt that any of you have a checklist that says:

“At X time on Y date Text Z person”
(For example, X would be your significant other, mom, dad, sister, brother, best friend, etc.)

Of course not! I live by my reminders app, but I still never forget those most important to me.

{ Pursuing God in a non-legalistic, relational way }

This has been one of the biggest things I’ve learned since I got into college. I told myself I daily God time was a must but I went at it the wrong way.

Personally, I think God time is wrong if you dread getting up for it, it seems unfruitful because your hearts not in the right place, or if you never switch it up.

There’s something to be said for times when you set yourself aside to pursue the Lord for a given amount of time. Getting out of your comfort zone to grow as a person, as well as to pursue, seek, and serve the Lord. When you realize that you are really close to him because you’ve been intentional about it.

I also think if God is your BFF you should be praying at all times.

1 Thessalonians 5:17
Pray continually

And don’t get me wrong, I’m still growing in that. But, I’ve seen fruit, specifically the peace of God when i naturally pursue him. It takes sacrifice and intentionality but it’s truly with it.

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