
In The Midst of Celebration

So this weekend was full of celebrations! Yet in the midst of it all my perspective changed. And because of that, I’m still celebrating. Let me explain further. 

So it’s quite evident that I can’t speak spanish. I obviously get by with hand gestures and a smile.. yet it can be so frustrating when all I really want to do is reach out and thoroughly get to know some one here.

This past weekend we left Ometepe Island to work with another ministry. It’s made up of people that have poured their hearts out into ministry, a building that supports them, children in their town, the youth, and their community. Everyday they provide food for any child that makes their way up the dirt road- any kid that walks into that concrete building. With a lot of prayer they received a way to have pure water on their campus. The only place in the entire community! They have been so blessed, but they continue to bless the community by sharing their water with anyone.

Not only that, but they pour their love into every child. The pastor/ director, Sara, shared her testimony with us. Multiple times she had cried when she talked about how God had rescued her and how faithful He is. She loves these children so much. She knows them by name and eagerly wants to be a positive figure in their lives. Her story has planted a seed in my heart to do the same.

Later that day we got to play with the children. We played baseball with them. It was so real to them. It was their “Sandlot.” It was their game. They encouraged us even if we missed the ball. Yet I understood them, even though I couldn’t actually understand what they were saying. I could feel what they were feeling. I could understand how it felt so real to them. It was all theirs.

Later that night was my favorite part of the whole day. We got to work with the youth. A lovely girl from my team shared her testimony and after her a young man shared his. (He was about 18.) I heard three testimonies that day. All three of their testimonies had something in common. They all had talked about how God was so faithful and how His Grace covers it all. It doesn’t matter where you are. God is everywhere and so is His grace. To the people who spoke in Spanish, my heart broke and rejoiced with them as they explained, not when it was translated. I heard and felt it in their voices!

Later we played games… and trust me… WE CELEBRATED!! We had a dance party celebrating as brothers and sisters in Christ. At one point I made a new dance partner! (Like he is a legit dancer In Nicaragua)!! Word was that he never has a dance partner that can keep up and everyone was happy that I could! (Thanks to four years of showchoir I caught on fast!) At one point everyone cleared the floor and made a circle around us. Everywhere I looked I saw smiles. In that moment I felt so happy. The language barrier in a way was SO gone. That night it was lifted. I was so connected with every single person in the room. My soul was so happy. We laughed together, smiled, sang, and danced together. We even did the ChaCha slide. XD That was hilarious. Despite the fact that I can’t speak Spanish, it doesn’t mean that I can’t deeply connect with some one who does. I can still make friends. I can still love. I can still be fully engaged. It’s just a choice. Do I join their game of baseball and let it be real for me too? Will I join the dance floor even though the music is in Spanish? Will I let it be real? Will I let myself feel what they feel? Yes. That’s my answer!   Jesus showed me that. He opened my eyes and I’m still celebrating!

On a quick side note, Sunday we celebrated the Day of The Bible. 447 years later, hundreds of people here were still celebrating that the Bible was translated in Spanish!  (Publicly as a parade). Wow. Again, I didn’t understand the words, but I heard them praising. I heard and felt with them. Can you imagine? Over 447 years ago the Bible was not there for all of those souls. Ohmygosh. I’m still so excited!!!! I’m still celebrating that their hungry souls for Christ are being fed!!!

Thank you Jesus! ? I hope anyone who reads this can feel a bit of the excitement I have for these people! 

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