Over the past two weeks since this trip began we have seen amazing things happen.
Our team has grown closer together. We have been vulnerable together. We have shared life stories together. We have seen the Lord tear down walls in each other and seen the spiritual growth occurring in everyone. We have ministered to widows, youth and children. We have prayed together and built walkways together. We have jumped off bridges together and walked the Victoria falls together.
Friendships have been formed that will last a lifetime. We have been taught new skills. Patience have been tested. The Lord has spoken to me and showed me more things in this time than He has in a very long time. He has shown me His power and creativity through vast plains and the magnificent, breathtaking Victoria Falls.
I have seen His beauty and love in the dark brown eyes of orphans who praise and worship like nothing I have seen or experienced, in little brown hands intertwined with mine and in the little heads laying on my chest. He is providing direction and encouragement. Teaching me to be more in tune with His voice. Teaching me how to LISTEN and OBEY. Showing me his strength and goodness. Giving his peace, joy and freedom. Releasing me from chains I was sure could never be broken. Revealing more of his character to me. Showing me parts of the Lord I never new existed or thought I deserved to experience. I know these works are not only in me but also in my team.
And the cool thing is God isn’t done yet. This morning in a spontaneous moment of prayer and worship led by our host Saunderson the Lord clearly said “I’m not done yet, don’t be complacent with where you are and what I have done so far.”
If this is just a portion of what God has planned I cannot wait to see the rest.
I cannot wait to see the friendships grow and blossom into a community where Jesus is Lord, where the conversations between friends are centered on him and his goodness.I cannot wait to see more freedom in Him. I cannot wait to see more chains fall and walls be broken. I cannot wait to see God do the impossible again and again, healing and miracles showing HIS glory and goodness. HIS ABOUNDING LOVE, poured out in us and through us daily.
I am reminded that there is always more in God. You never reach a place of knowing it all or having experienced all God has to offer. He is an endless God, always doing more than we could think or imagine. Always going above and beyond our wildest dreams. Always bringing more joy and gladness, more freedom, more knowledge, more guidance. There are always new waters to swim in and dance in. Always new areas to dive into and experience the Lord in a new way.
Although I find myself already being sad about leaving I know it’s okay. This trip is already half way over but the cool thing is it doesn’t stop here with Zambia. It doesn’t stop when we leave and return home.
Because God’s NOT DONE.
He has two weeks left to work in us and through us while we are in Zambia, but He has a lifetime to work in us and through us when we return home. I’m reminding myself not to, and I am refusing to put limits on a LIMITLESS God. I serve Elohim, God the creator, who made everything out of nothing, and He always has a new adventure for me, a new plan, a new journey to take me deeper into Him and His calling. He continues to show me His glory and goodness.
So we choose not to limit you, Father. We ask for more. More of YOU, more peace, more joy, more glory, more goodness, more love, more miracles, more healing, more freedom, more fire, more passion because GOD’S NOT DONE.