
The Wildest Love

“The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.” -Psalm 103:8

After almost 40 hours of traveling we finally arrived to the ministry base we were going to stay at for the night in Bangkok. The hosts were so kind and provided us everything we needed, I was overwhelmed by their generosity. When I walked in, the first thing I saw was a large banner that said “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” in English and in Thai. When I saw that it really truly hit me how universal his love is. It’s not limited to any type of person. Half way across the world these people encountered Jesus in their own way and are serving and living for Him in a country which the majority has never even heard the name Jesus. Instantly I started to wonder: what’s their story? How did they come to know Jesus in a place that is so dark? I didn’t get the opportunity to ask every single one of them, but what I do know is that His love wrecks our lives, in the best way, no matter where we are or who we are. And everyone’s story is beautiful and powerful. Laying in my bed while listening to worship music before I fell asleep, all of a sudden I had an overwhelming sensation of wonder and awe. If someone told me even just a couple months ago I would be half way across the world in Thailand for a month, I would never have believed them. But God reminded me that’s the beautiful part. Not knowing, living in the moment, jumping into the mysterious plans He has for us before we even know them. His love is wild. His love eradicates comfortability. And it might take a second or two to get used to, but when you really embrace His wild nature, you’ll start to appreciate where He’s brought you and you’ll beg Him to use you the way He wants to. Because His way is the best way and turns darkness into light. This love takes you on beautiful adventures and gives you amazing people to do those adventures with. He’ll always wildly exceed your expectations. I didn’t know I had even the slightest ability to be a teacher. But that’s who He called me to be the past 3 days. I didn’t know I was capable of preaching a sermon for 20 minutes in a Thai Church. But He delivered me. I didn’t know just how impactful His love is. But I saw it in a Buddhist who accepted Jesus 24 hours after hearing the Gospel. I didn’t know the joy I would have dancing around in a school, dripping sweat, with my team and all the children. But I discovered child-like happiness again. I’ve learned that He calls things out in us before we even can comprehend that it’s there in us. The only thing holding us back from discovering all He has instilled in us, is simply, us. He calls us deeper. He has more for us. His love has no end, it is not worried of what others think or who they are. His love just IS. It’s one desire is to flow into the deepest parts of us and free us from all the things the world has held us captive in. It’s a love that is wild and fierce. And I pray you will seek after and discover this life changing love. He wants to show you more than you could ever imagine. 

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