
Love and Patience

Picture this: you’ve got no idea what you’re planning on doing with your life. You know that you will go to college, but what does God have planned for you? Then, one day, you have a dream where God calls to you, through a burning bush, and He tells you that you are to go on a mission trip. You find exactly what He was talking about and you walk in to training camp with absolutely no fear. Everyone you meet there has the same views and matches personalities to you. From that very moment, you’re ready to go to all the ends of the earth. Yeah, that’s not what happened. That’d be too good to be true—almost like the devil was never even there.

Truthfully, a year ago, I would have never imagined being where I am today. I was 18 and had my life figured out. I’d go to school, get married, do lots of traveling, etc. I was actually looking for somewhere that would look great on Instagram to travel to this Summer. Somehow, though, I ended up on my way to live in the Amazon jungle for a month. There was no revelation that told me where to go. Instead, my heart just began to have this desire to know God after hearing the amazing things He has done in others’ lives, and I wanted to personally experience it. Truth be told, once I signed up for this trip about 8-9 months ago, I kept questioning myself. I kept thinking “how could someone like me ever be good enough to tell the world about God’s glory?” It seemed as though the job was meant for someone “better” than me. Turns out, that was the evil one speaking to me the whole time. Who was he, or I, to question God’s plan?

Time flew by, and I found myself at training camp. The people were absolutely amazing! Everyone was so different in so many ways, all coming from different backgrounds. Things that I may have seen to be “unholy” soon became meaningless when I saw the glory of God working through each and every heart at that camp. We were all different. Some had southern accents, some were from the city, and some from small towns. Yet, we all gathered to praise the one true God, and that seemed to be just enough. All those little things that God is blind to mattered no longer, and there, I realized that He really does love us just as we are. As long as you can put your trust in God’s hands, He will work miracles through you.

Now, I am on my way to Peru, where I will see miracles happening. I may not have any idea of what to expect, but the fear is no longer there, and I have nothing but a bigger longing to know the Lord. He didn’t call any of us to be perfect, He called as we are to spread His love and glory to all the nations. The key, you may ask, is love and patience. With those two things, His plans for your life will play out. I can’t wait to see what He has in store for this month and the rest of my life.

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