

When I first heard the Lord call my name to minister to the people of Thailand for a month, I was terrified. Fear overcame me, and a thousand reasons of why I shouldn’t go flooded into my mind. But I was aware who was putting those thoughts of doubt into my head — so I didn’t partner with them. I partnered with the Lord and decided to trust Him, despite what I was feeling. My feelings aren’t trustworthy, they are easily swayed, but the Word of God stands firm forever and is never moved. So why would I put my trust in something that can collapse rather than something that stands strong? As I’ve been reflecting on my time in Thailand, the Lord has allowed me to see clearly how good He is to His children. He desires for us to not only grow in Him, but also wants to give us incredible, beautiful experiences. He wants us to find joy in places we didn’t think we would find it. And I’ve found that those places we believe we won’t have joy, we actually hit the jackpot. It’s like a buried treasure, and of course the enemy will manipulate us to thinking that it wouldn’t be possible to have joy in those places or situations in order for us to miss out on those breath-taking experiences. But I’m here as a testament to the Lords goodness. To His kind heart and faithfulness to His children. He loves you, and wants nothing less than the best for you. We see this all throughout scripture, but most importantly we see this in the blood poured out for us on the cross. He just wants us to live freely and fearlessly with Him. He will never give us anything to harm us. If it looks like it is bringing us pain and harm, just know that it’s not the end and sometimes His goodness can be disguised as a package of defeat. Take the cross for example: what looked like defeat and death was really victory and life. We won’t always recognize His deliverance or provision right away, but He has not failed a single person, why would He fail you? I was worried I would go to Thailand and not find joy, but find anxiety, fear and unhappiness. But the Lord graciously proved me wrong. My Father is so sweet to me, to you, and to everyone. He would have never called me to a place where His kindness wouldn’t be. It follows me forever, to the very ends of the earth. I was looking out on the river on our last day and heard Him speak so softly, “Do you trust me now? I will only give you good things, Sloan.” Don’t listen to the world. Don’t listen to society. Don’t listen to the enemy. But tune your ear towards God and trust Him whether you can see the ground or not. Life is a gift and the giver is SO good. So, open the door where fear is knocking. He’ll catch you, He always does. 


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